How many characters does the longest word on this page consist of?The largest word is 21 letters long, which is 'isopropylideneacetone'.
How many words can you put together using the combination which you've searched for?It is possible to derive 606 words using this list.
Is there an example word from this page that could be thought of as unique in any manner?Standing as the most strange word on this list is 'isopiestic'. According to the dictionary, 'isopiestic' is defined as "Having equal pressure. Isopiestic lines, lines showing, in a diagram, the relations of temperature and volume, when the elastic force is constant; -- called also isobars.".
What's the best score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words beginning with 'iso'?Considering the diverse range of words from which to select, you may want to pick 'isozymic' which scores 24 points overall.
What is the most popular word that starts with 'iso' in the dictionary?The most well-known word is 'isolated', which is in fact the 7950th most popular word in this list.