Is there any word on this page that jumps out as the most common?'Ja' is the most well-known word from this page, ranked 560th most common word.
What word from this page is the most unusual?An example of a strange word from this page is 'jaspidean'. 'Jaspidean' is defined as "Consisting of jasper, or containing jasper; jaspery; jasperlike.", according to the English dictionary.
In Scrabble, what's the highest score possible using this list of words which start with 'ja'?Given there are a massive 896 entries, your best bet is 'jazzbow' which scores 37 points.
What's the total number of words you could create using this combination of letters?You can select up to a maximum of 896 entries.
How many letters does the longest word on this list contain?The largest word one could assemble from the specified combination is 'jackassification', and it is made up of 16 characters.