How many characters does the longest word on this page consist of?'Ultradolichocephalic' is the longest word that we could find. It has 20 characters.
What is the most unique word from this page?There are many strange words in this list, albeit our favorite word is 'uraemic'. According to the English dictionary, 'uraemic' means "Of or pertaining to uræmia; as, uræmic convulsions.".
What is the total number of words you could create using this combination of letters?From this page of words with 'u' as the 1st letter that end with 'c', you have 468 outstanding combinations which are available.
Which word that starts with 'u' and ends with 'c' is the most common word in the dictionary?The most popular word in this list according to our database is 'unsympathetic', which is actually the 34414th most common word in this list.
What is the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words with 'u' as the 1st letter that end with 'c'?As there are an extensive 468 entries, you may want to opt for 'unexotic' scoring 17 points in total.