Words that include 'etv'

It looks like only 3 words have been constructed from your particular request.

8 letter words

  • chetvert

9 letter words

  • chetverik
  • tchetvert

How many acceptable words can you make using the combination specified?
Overall, there are 3 words.

What word from this page is the most unusual?
There are a number of weird words in this list, although our favorite word at the moment is 'chetvert'. The dictionary defines it as "A measure of grain equal to 0.7218 of an imperial quarter, or 5.95 Winchester bushels. [Russia]".

How many characters are in the largest word on this page?
The word 'chetverik' is made up of 9 characters.

What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
With 3 combinations available, you are obligated to select 'chetvert' which totals 16 points.