Words that contain 'g' and end in 'iad'

We have detected 5 suitable results.

6 letter words

  • goliad

7 letter words

  • gurniad
  • gwiniad
  • gwyniad

9 letter words

  • bignoniad

What's the maximum number of words you are able to construct using this list?
On this page of words containing 'g' and ending with 'iad', there are 5 combinations that can be selected.

What is a weird word from all the word combinations available on this page?
Arguably one of the most weird words from this page is 'gwiniad'. 'Gwiniad' is defined as "A fish (Coregonus ferus) of North Wales and Northern Europe, allied to the lake whitefish; -- called also powan, and schelly. [Written also gwyniad, guiniad, gurniad.]", according to the English dictionary.

Which word on this page consists the largest number of letters?
The word 'bignoniad' has 9 characters.

What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
We suggest using 'gwyniad' for a score of 15 points.