In Scrabble, what is the highest number of points possible from this list of words that have 'r' in and end with 'i'?With countless words from which to select, your best bet is to choose 'pirozhki' which scores 26 points.
Which is the most interesting word from this list?Ranking as the most weird word on this list is 'elasmobranchii'. It is defined as "A subclass of fishes, comprising the sharks, the rays, and the Chimæra. The skeleton is mainly cartilaginous.".
Which word from this list has the highest letter count?'labyrinthibranchii'.
How many usable words can you put together from this list?You can pick from 1,290 words addressing your query.
Which word on this page stands out as the most common?We've discovered that 'roi' is the 3768th most common word.