What word from this page is the most interesting?There are a handful of weird words in this list, having said that our favorite word right now is 'genuflection'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'genuflection' is defined as "The act of bending the knee, particularly in worship. Bp. Stillingfleet.".
In Scrabble, what is the most points you can get using words that have 'u' in and end with 'n'?As there are a vast 6,404 entries, it's best to pick 'puzzolan' scoring 28 points overall.
What's the most common word that has 'u' in and ends with 'n'?There's 'upon' which ranks as the 75th most popular word.
How many characters does the biggest word on this page consist of?The longest word is 24 characters long, which is 'preobtrudingpreobtrusion'.
In total, how many words are available using this combination of letters?You can pick from 6,404 words on our page of words that have 'u' in and end with 'n'.