What is the total number of words you could make using words that end with 'am'?Up to 664 words!
How many letters are in the longest word on this page?There are 20 characters in the word 'electroencephalogram', making it the biggest word on our list.
What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words which end with 'am'?Considering the range of words to decide on, you may want to try 'qaimaqam' scoring 30 points.
What is a weird word from all the combinations possible ?You'll uncover a handful of weird words on this page, that being said our favorite word happens to be 'bantam'. The general definition of 'bantam' is as follows: "A variety of small barnyard fowl, with feathered legs, probably brought from Bantam, a district of Java.". Credit to the Cambridge Dictionary.
What is the most common word for this page?There's 'am' which ranks as the 136th most popular word.