How many letters are in the biggest word from this list?There are 18 letters in the word 'chorioepitheliomas', making it the longest word on this page.
How many viable words could one make from words that end with 'as'?From this page of words that end with 'as', you have 2,179 entries which are possible overall.
What's an interesting word from the word combinations possible on this list?The most interesting word from this list is 'iliopsoas'. 'Iliopsoas''s definition is "The great flexor muscle of the hip joint, divisible into two parts, the iliac and great psoas, -- often regarded as distinct muscles.", according to the English dictionary.
Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most common?Our system says the most common word that end with 'as' is 'was'.
What is the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words which end with 'as'?With countless words to choose from, your best choice is to choose 'zyzzyvas' which scores 44 points in total.