Which is the most unusual word from this page?A good example of an unusual word from this page is 'leipoa'. According to the dictionary, 'leipoa' means "A genus of Australian gallinaceous birds including but a single species (Leipoa ocellata), about the size of a turkey. Its color is variegated, drown, black, white, and gray. Called also native pheasant. Note: It makes large mounds of sand and vegetable material, in which its eggs are laid to be...".
What's the longest word you can create using this list?The longest word located by our team is 'eleutherozoa'. It has 12 letters.
How many words are possible to make using this list?It's possible to derive 135 words using the specified letter combination.
Is there any word on this page that jumps out as the most common?The most common word in this list is 'cocoa', which in fact is the 23236th most common word in this list.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the above combination ?Given there are plenty of words to choose from, you may want to pick 'cytozzoa' which scores 31 points overall.