In total, how many words is it possible to make using this list?There are up to 34 entries covering all variations.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?It is possible to make 'kimigayo' for a total score of 18 in Scrabble.
Which word that ends with 'yo' is the most popular word in the dictionary?Our system says the most common word that end with 'yo' is 'yo'.
What is the longest word you can create with this list?The biggest word that's possible to construct from this list is 'pseudoembryo', and it contains 12 characters.
Which word from this page is the most interesting?Our favorite interesting word from this list goes to 'embryo'. It is defined as "The first rudiments of an organism, whether animal or plant; as: (a) The young of an animal in the womb, or more specifically, before its parts are developed and it becomes a fetus (see Fetus). (B) The germ of the plant, which is inclosed in the seed and which is...".