What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the above combination ?Since there are heaps of words from which to select, it's best to pick 'dozzled' scoring 27 points.
What is an unusual word from all the word combinations possible ?An example of an uncommon word from this page goes to 'dishonorary'. The dictionary defines it as "Bringing dishonor on; tending to disgrace; lessening reputation. Holmes.".
How many letters does the largest word from this page consist of?The longest word on this page is 'dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane', and consists of 31 letters
Which word that starts with 'd' and includes 'o' is the most popular word?Our database says the most popular word that start with 'd' and include 'o' is 'do'.
What is the maximum number of words you're able to construct from words that start with 'd' and include 'o'?From this page of words starting with 'd' that contain 'o', there are 8,390 entries which are available in total.