Which word that starts with 'n' and includes 'y' is the most common word in the dictionary?There's 'necessary' which is the 564th most common word.
How many usable words could one make using this combination of letters?It is possible to make 2,932 words from the specified letter combination.
How many characters are in the longest word on this page?'Naphthylaminesulphonic' contains 22 characters, and is the longest word one can make from this list.
What's a peculiar word on this list?We feel 'nonylic' to be the most peculiar word you can throw together. 'Nonylic''s definition is "Of, pertaining to, or designating, nonyl or its compounds; as, nonylic acid.", according to the English dictionary.
What's the best score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words that start with 'n' and include 'y'?With the amount of words from which to select, your best option is 'nyamwezi' scoring 25 points overall.