Which is the most unique word that has 'a' in and ends with 'i'?One of the most peculiar words from this page is 'squali'. According to the dictionary, 'squali' means "The suborder of elasmobranch fishes which comprises the sharks.".
Is there any word on this page that sticks out as the most common?The most common word for the combination you requested is 'ai'.
How many letters does the longest word from this list contain?'labyrinthibranchii' (18 letters)
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the requested combination ?With an enormous 1,956 entries, your best choice is 'kazachki' scoring 30 points.
How many words are available using this list?From this page of words that contain 'a' and end in 'i', there are 1,956 brilliant entries which are possible in total.