What is a strange word from this page?Arguably one of the most weird words from this list is 'shandygaff'. 'Shandygaff''s definition is "A mixture of strong beer and ginger beer. [Eng.]", according to the dictionary.
What's the most common word on this page?Rating as the 2188th most popular word, you will want to make sure you have 'grief' written down.
How many words are there using this combination of letters?On this page of words containing 'g' and ending with 'f', we have discovered 114 unique entries that are possible.
In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score possible using words containing 'g' and ending with 'f'?With a multitude of words to decide on, we would suggest selecting 'giffgaff' scoring 22 points in total.
How many characters does the biggest word on this page contain?There are 14 characters in the word 'lightningproof', that makes it the biggest word on this page.