What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?Considering the range of words from which to select, we would suggest opting for 'makhzan' which scores 25 points in total.
Which is the most interesting word that has 'k' in and ends with 'n'?The most weird word from this list is 'inkhorn'. 'Inkhorn' is defined as "A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink; an inkstand; a portable case for writing materials. "With a writer's inkhorn by his side." Ezek. Ix. 2. From his pocket the notary drew his papers and inkhorn. Longfellow. Learned; pedantic; affected. [Obs.] "Inkhorn terms." Bale.", according to the dictionary.
What's the most common word for this page?Our database reveals the most popular word that have 'k' in and end with 'n' is 'taken'.
How many acceptable words could one put together from this list?You can make 1,442 words all in all.
How many characters does the largest word from this page consist of?'Dyakisdodecahedron' has 18 letters, and is the longest word you could make from this combination.