Words that contain 'w' and end in 'x'

27 terms were found by our database.

3 letter words

  • wax

4 letter words

  • wrox

5 letter words

  • dewax
  • rewax
  • unwax
  • upwax

6 letter words

  • cowpox
  • earwax
  • paxwax
  • taxwax

7 letter words

  • beeswax
  • fowlpox
  • packwax
  • werefox
  • woadwax
  • woodbox
  • woodwax
  • workbox

8 letter words

  • billywix
  • chafewax
  • chaffwax
  • greenwax
  • sweatbox
  • swinepox
  • wheelbox

9 letter words

  • shadowbox

11 letter words

  • thoroughwax

What is the maximum number of words you can assemble using this combination of letters?
From this page of words that have 'w' in and end with 'x', there are 27 effective combinations that are possible in total.

What is the longest word you can construct with words that have 'w' in and end with 'x'?
'Thoroughwax' is the longest word that the veryceleb database could find. It consists of 11 characters.

In Scrabble, what is the most points possible using words containing 'w' and ending with 'x'?
It is possible to make 'chaffwax' for a total score of 29 points in Scrabble.

What is the most common word that has 'w' in and ends with 'x'?
Ranking as the 7703rd most popular word, you will want to ensure you have 'wax' in your arsenal.

Which word from this page is the most unusual?
By far the most interesting word in this list is 'earwax'. 'Earwax''s definition is "See Cerumen.", according to the dictionary.