Words that have 'b' as the second letter and 'k' as third letter

In total there are 5 results possible for this search.

5 letter words

  • abkar

6 letter words

  • abkari
  • abkary
  • abkhas

9 letter words

  • abkhasian

Which word in particular on this page has the largest letter count?
The word 'abkhasian' is made up of 9 characters.

In Scrabble, what's the highest score possible from this list of words where the second letter is 'b' and third letter is 'k'?
We recommend using 'abkary' for a score of score of 15 points.

What's the total number of words you can put together using this list?
It is possible to derive 5 words with the specified letter combination.