How many possible words can you make using the combination of letters requested?It is possible to assemble 1,978 words with the specified combination.
What's an unusual word from this list?You can find a handful of strange words on this page, albeit our favorite word currently is 'aldermanlike'. 'Aldermanlike''s definition is "Like or suited to an alderman.", according to the English dictionary.
Which word on this page ranks as the most common?The most well-known word in this list according to our system is 'under', which is in fact the 151st most common word in the dictionary.
What's the longest word you can make with the combination searched for?The largest word is 19 letters long, which is 'undercapitalization'.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With the number of words to select from, you should select 'underjaw' which scores 19 points overall.