What is a weird word from all the word combos possible on this page?Standing as our favorite weird word on this list is 'desulphurize'. It is defined as "To desulphurate; to deprive of sulphur. -- De*sul`phur*i*za"tion, n.".
Which word in particular on this page has the highest character count?There are 18 characters in the word 'metalinguistically', that makes it the largest word we have.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the above combination ?With a sizeable 3,259 entries, we'd advise opting for 'bezzling' scoring 29 points.
What is the maximum number of words you could put together from words where the second letter is 'e' and fifth letter is 'l'?Altogether, it is feasible to make 3,259 words.
Which word on this page stands out as the most common?The most well-known word is 'people', which is actually the 160th most common word in the dictionary.