What is the most popular word where the second letter is 'j' and fifth letter is 'd'?The most popular word is 'fjord', which is actually the 98373rd most popular word in this list.
How many words are possible to put together with this combination of letters?It's possible to assemble 13 words from the specified letter combination.
Is there a word from this page of word where the second letter is 'j' and fifth letter is 'd' which could be deemed as unusual?Standing as our favorite strange word on this page is 'fjord'. It means "See Fiord.".
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?One can make 'kjeldahl' which scores 23 in Scrabble.
How many characters are in the longest word on this list?'Kjeldahlization' is the largest word that we could assemble, containing 15 letters