What's the maximum number of words you can construct using this combination of letters?There are 1,215 words that can be made for any word where the 3rd letter is 'm' and 5th letter is 'e'.
What is the best score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'm' is the third letter and 'e' is the fifth letter?Considering the huge assortment of words to choose from, we would advise opting for 'zambezi' which scores 29 points.
What's the most popular word on this page?Rating as the 132nd most common word, you'll want to ensure that you have 'himself' committed to memory.
What's an interesting word from all the combinations available on this page?Arguably one of the most peculiar words from this list is 'pamperize'. The dictionary defines it as "To pamper. [R.] Sydney Smith.".
What's the largest word you can assemble with the combination of letters specified?The longest word is 19 characters long, which is 'semiexpressionistic'.