What is the total number of words you're able to construct using this combination of letters?You could assemble 2,458 words from the specified combination.
What's the most popular word on this page?We've identified that 'great' is the 92nd most common word.
Which word from this page is the most unusual?You can choose a number of strange words on this page, although our favorite word at the moment is 'prestidigital'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'prestidigital' is defined as "Nimble-fingered; having fingers fit for prestidigitation, or juggling. [R.] "His prestidigital hand." Charles Reade.".
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are an extensive 2,458 entries, your best option is to consider 'kreutzer' which scores 21 points.
What is the biggest word you can assemble from words where the 2nd letter is 'r' and 5th letter is 't'?The biggest word assembled by our team is 'cryptocrystallization'. It has 21 characters.