What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?As there are an extensive 2,983 entries, you'll want to go for 'mystique' scoring 22 points.
What is the most popular word where the third letter is 's' and fifth letter is 'i'?We can verify that 'possible' is the 507th most common word.
How many words can you put together from words where the third letter is 's' and fifth letter is 'i'?There are 2,983 words all in all.
Which is the most unusual word where the third letter is 's' and fifth letter is 'i'?An example of an unusual word from this page is 'upskip'. The dictionary defines it as "An upstart. [Obs.] Latimer.".
How many characters does the longest word on this page contain?'Institutionalisation' is made up of 20 characters, and is the longest word you can make from this combination.