What is the most popular word on this page?The most common word for the combination you requested is 'steps'.
What word where the second letter is 't' and fifth letter is 's' is the most interesting?You'll notice numerous peculiar words in this list, with that said our favorite word is 'stunsail'. 'Stunsail''s definition is "A contraction of Studding sail. With every rag set, stunsails, sky scrapers and all. Lowell.", according to the English dictionary.
How many characters does the largest word from this page contain?The longest word is 15 letters, which is 'atmospherically'.
What's the maximum number of words you are able to create using words where the 2nd letter is 't' and 5th letter is 's'?One can make 150 words using the combination of words where the 2nd letter is 't' and 5th letter is 's'.
In Scrabble, what's the best score you can get using this list of words where 't' is the 2nd letter and 's' is the 5th letter?Given there are a massive 150 entries, you'll want to try 'stayship' scoring 16 points overall.