Words that have 't' as the second letter and 'z' as third letter

Regrettably there are only 2 words that are possible to use from the dictionary for where the second letter is 't' and third letter is 'z'.

4 letter words

  • itza

6 letter words

  • itzebu

How many letters are in the longest word on this list?
'Itzebu' is the biggest word that we could find.

What's the total number of words one is able to put together from this combination of letters?
It is possible to create 2 words using the combination of words where the second letter is 't' and third letter is 'z'.

What's the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where the second letter is 't' and third letter is 'z'?
As there is only a small amount of words to pick from, the only option you can play for is 'itzebu' for a score of 17 points.