How many letters does the longest word from this page contain?There are 19 letters in the word 'auriculoventricular', that makes it the longest word on this page.
How many words is it possible to make using the combination of letters requested?There are 1,940 words for you to pick from.
Is there an example of a word from this page of word where the 2nd letter is 'u' and 4th letter is 'i' which might be deemed as unusual?By far the most strange word from this list is 'supinity'. The conventional definition of 'supinity' is as follows: "Supineness. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.". Credit goes to Cambridge Dictionary.
In Scrabble, what is the highest score you can get using this list of words where the second letter is 'u' and fourth letter is 'i'?With an extensive 1,940 entries, your best choice is 'jubilize' scoring 26 points.
What's the most common word on this page?When it comes to well-known words, there's 'during', which is the 409th most popular word.