How many words are there using the combination requested?There are up to 189 words using our list of words where 'u' is the second letter and 'z' is the fourth letter.
Is there a word from this page which could be thought of as unique?'Subzygomatic' certainly stands as the most strange word from our list of words where the 2nd letter is 'u' and 4th letter is 'z'. The definition of 'subzygomatic' is as follows: "Situated under the zygoma or zygomatic process.". Credit goes to Cambridge Dictionary.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With an overwhelming 189 entries, we'd suggest opting for 'quizzify' which scores 41 points.
Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most common?We've identified that 'puzzled' is the 5265th most common word.
What's the longest word you can assemble using the combination of letters specified?The word 'puzzleheadedness' is made up of 16 characters.