What's the maximum number of words you are able to assemble from this list?There are up to a maximum of 1,983 entries.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are loads of words to choose from, your best choice is to consider 'brunizem' scoring 21 points.
Is there an example of a word from this page which might be deemed as interesting?One of the most weird words from this page is 'arundineous'. It is defined as "Abounding with reeds; reedy.".
What is the biggest word you can create using words where the third letter is 'u' and fourth letter is 'n'?The word 'counterclassifications' is made up of 22 characters.
Is there a word on this page that stands out as the most popular?We can confirm that 'found' is the 158th most common word.