How many viable words are possible to put together with words that start with 'sf'?From this list of words that start with 'sf', you have 13 combinations that can be selected.
How many characters does the largest word from this page contain?The largest word is 10 characters long, which is 'sforzandos'.
What is a weird word from all the combinations possible on this page?We consider 'sforzando' to be the most interesting word on this page. The definition of 'sforzando' is as follows: "Forcing or forced; -- a direction placed over a note, to signify that it must be executed with peculiar emphasis and force; -- marked fz (an abbreviation of forzando), sf, sfz, or". Source Cambridge Dictionary.
What's the highest possible score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words beginning with 'sf'?Our suggestion for a total of 20 points is the word 'sforzato'.