How many actual words can you put together with words that start with 'tur'?From this page of words that start with 'tur', you have 446 combinations which can be selected.
What's the most common word for this page?'Turned' is the most popular word from this list, ranked 299th most common word.
How many characters does the biggest word from this page consist of?The longest word on this page is 'turbinatocylindrical'. It consists of 20 letters.
What word that starts with 'tur' is the most unusual?Standing as our favorite peculiar word on this page is 'turnkey'. It is defined as "1. A person who has charge of the keys of a prison, for opening and fastening the doors; a warder. 2. (Dentistry) An instrument with a hinged claw, -- used for extracting teeth with a twist.".
In Scrabble, what's the best score you can get using words beginning with 'tur'?With the number of words to choose from, your best bet is to go for 'turkize' which scores 20 points in total.