Words that have 'a' as the third letter and 'j' as fourth letter

32 results have been discovered for the combination specified.

5 letter words

  • ajaja
  • chaja
  • inaja
  • khaja

6 letter words

  • acajou
  • bhajan
  • enajim
  • khajur
  • phajus
  • prajna
  • trajet

7 letter words

  • acajous
  • crajuru
  • goajiro
  • guajira
  • traject
  • viajaca

8 letter words

  • biajaiba
  • emajagua
  • guajillo
  • guajiras
  • huajillo
  • trajects

9 letter words

  • prajapati
  • trajected

10 letter words

  • trajectile
  • trajecting
  • trajection
  • trajectory

11 letter words

  • flajolotite

12 letter words

  • trajectories

13 letter words

  • trajectitious

How many characters does the longest word on this list consist of?
The longest word that's possible to construct from this combination is 'trajectitious', and it is made up of 13 characters.

What is the max number of words you are able to assemble using this combination of letters?
On this page of words where the third letter is 'a' and fourth letter is 'j', we have discovered 32 outstanding entries that are available.

What is the most common word where the third letter is 'a' and fourth letter is 'j'?
Rating as the 69852nd most popular word, you'll want to make sure you have 'trajet' in your arsenal.

What is a weird word on this page of words where the third letter is 'a' and fourth letter is 'j'?
Ranking as our favorite unusual word on this page is 'traject'. The definition of 'traject' is as follows: "To throw or cast through, over, or across; as, to traject the sun's light through three or more cross prisms. [R.] Sir I. Newton. 1. A place for passing across; a passage; a ferry. [Obs.] Cotgrave. 2. The act of trajecting; trajection. 3. A trajectory. [R.] I. Taylor.". Credit to the Cambridge Dictionary.

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the above combination ?
Our suggestion for a total score of 20 points is the word 'khajur'.