What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words that have 'c' as the 3rd letter and 'u' as 4th letter?Given there are heaps of words to choose from, your best bet is to choose 'excurved' scoring 21 points overall.
Is there a word from this page of word where the third letter is 'c' and fourth letter is 'u' which might be deemed as unique in any regard?The most peculiar word in this list is 'decussated'. 'Decussated''s definition is "1. Crossed; intersected. 2. (Bot.) Growing in pairs, each of which is at right angles to the next pair above or below; as, decussated leaves or branches. 3. (Rhet.) Consisting of two rising and two falling clauses, placed in alternate opposition to each other; as, a decussated period.", according to the dictionary.
How many usable words can you put together using the specified combination?From this list of words where the third letter is 'c' and fourth letter is 'u', there are 1,200 fantastic entries that are available overall.
How many letters does the longest word on this page contain?The longest word that's possible to derive from words where the 3rd letter is 'c' and 4th letter is 'u' is 'acculturationist', and it has 16 characters.
What's the most common word where the third letter is 'c' and fourth letter is 'u'?The most common word in the dictionary according to our system is 'secure', which happens to be the 1502nd most popular word in the dictionary.