Which word on this page sticks out as the most popular?Our database notes that the most common word where the 3rd letter is 'd' and 5th letter is 'k' is 'redskins'!
What's the best score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words that have 'd' as the 3rd letter and 'k' as 5th letter?Using this combination, one could play 'kodakked' for a total of 22 points.
What's the maximum number of words you are able to assemble using this combination of letters?It is possible to make 46 words using the combination you searched for.
What is a weird word from all the combinations possible ?Undeniably one of the most weird words from this list is 'redskin'. It means "A common appellation for a North American Indian; -- so called from the color of the skin. Cooper.".
Which word in particular from this list has the largest character count?The longest word that's possible to construct from the specified combination is 'endokaryogamy', which is made up of 13 letters.