How many characters are in the longest word from this list?Try 'pelveoperitonitis', which has 17 letters.
How many words are possible to make using the specified combination?You can pick from up to 620 entries addressing your query.
What's the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble from this list of words where the 2nd letter is 'e' and 4th letter is 'v'?With an extensive 620 entries, we would suggest going for 'cervixes' scoring 20 points overall.
Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?Rating as the 406th most popular word, you'll want to ensure you have 'leave' in your repertoire.
What is an unusual word from this page?The most interesting word from this list is 'nervosity'. According to the dictionary, 'nervosity' is defined as "Nervousness. [R.]".