How many letters are in the biggest word on this page?The biggest word that's possible to construct from the combination specified is 'cinephotomicrography', and it consists of 20 characters.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are an enormous 488 entries, we would advise selecting 'zizyphus' scoring 34 points overall.
Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?According to our records, the most popular word where the second letter is 'i' and fifth letter is 'p' is 'disappeared'.
Is there a distinct word from this page that could be thought of as unique?We consider 'bicipitous' to be the most interesting word on this page. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'bicipitous' means "Having two heads; bicipital. "Bicipitous serpents." Sir T. Browne.".
In total, how many words are there using these particular combinations of letters?You can go with up to 488 words.