How many characters does the longest word from this page consist of?The longest word is 20 letters long, which is 'spinulosodenticulate'.
What is the most common word where the third letter is 'i' and fifth letter is 'u' in the dictionary?A popular word for the combination you requested is 'failure'.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are an enormous 574 entries, your best option is to choose 'azimuths' which scores 22 points.
What is an example of a unique word from this list?You can choose a handful of strange words on this page, although our favorite word at the moment is 'anicut'. According to the dictionary, 'anicut' means "A dam or mole made in the course of a stream for the purpose of regulating the flow of a system of irrigation. [India] Brande & C.".
How many words are possible to make using this combination of letters?From this list of words where 'i' is the 3rd letter and 'u' is the 5th letter, you have 574 unique entries which can be selected.