What is the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'p' is the 3rd letter and 'r' is the 5th letter?With a multitude of words to decide on, you may want to go for 'vaporize' which scores 22 points overall.
Which word where the 3rd letter is 'p' and 5th letter is 'r' is the most popular word in the dictionary?The most well-known word for your search is 'copyright'.
What's an interesting word on this page of words where the 3rd letter is 'p' and 5th letter is 'r'?One example of a weird word from this page is 'hyperbolism'. The definition of 'hyperbolism' is as follows: "The use of hyperbole. Jefferson.".
Which word in particular from this list has the largest letter count?Consider 'superincomprehensibleness'
How many words are possible to make using the combination specified?4,433 words!