What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?Considering the diverse range of words from which to select, it's best to opt for 'jackbox' which scores 29 points.
Is there a specific word from this page which might be considered as unique?Standing as the most unusual word on this page is 'calking'. 'Calking''s definition is "The act or process of making seems tight, as in ships, or of furnishing with calks, as a shoe, or copying, as a drawing. Calking iron, a tool like a chisel, used in calking ships, tightening seams in ironwork, etc. Their left hand does the calking iron guide. Dryden.", according to the dictionary.
Is there a word on this page that sticks out as the most popular?Our database says the most common word in the dictionary where the second letter is 'a' and fourth letter is 'k' is 'back'.
In total, how many words are there using the combination of letters requested?On this list of words that have 'a' as the 2nd letter and 'k' as 4th letter, veryceleb has discovered 1,621 amazing combinations which are available.
How many letters are in the longest word on this page?Try 'markgenossenschaft', which is made up of 18 letters.