How many characters are in the largest word from this list?The longest word on this list is 'ballistocardiographic'. It consists of 21 characters.
How many usable words can you make using the specified combination?On this list of words that have 'a' as the second letter and 'l' as fourth letter, there are 2,599 amazing entries which can be selected.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With a vast 2,599 entries, we would suggest choosing 'fahlerz' which scores 22 points.
Which word on this page sticks out as the most popular?Rating as the 227th most common word, you will want to ensure you have 'called' committed to memory.
What's a peculiar word from all the word combinations available on this page?'Yawl' is definitely the most strange word in our list of words where the second letter is 'a' and fourth letter is 'l'. The dictionary defines it as "A small ship's boat, usually rowed by four or six oars. [Written also yaul.] To cry out like a dog or cat; to howl; to yell. Tennyson. There howling Scyllas yawling round about. Fairfax.".