What is the largest word you can create from this list?There are 7 characters in the word 'acajous', making it the biggest word veryceleb has.
In total, how many possible words can you make using the combination specified?On this list of words where the second letter is 'c' and fourth letter is 'j', there are 2 combinations that can be selected.
In Scrabble, what is the best score you can get using this list of words where 'c' is the second letter and 'j' is the fourth letter?As there is just a small amount of words to pick from, the only choice you can go for is 'acajous' scoring 16 points.
What is the most unique word where the second letter is 'c' and fourth letter is 'j'?There are a handful of unusual words on this page, although our favorite is 'acajou'. The popular definition of 'acajou' is as follows: "(a) The cashew tree; also, its fruit. See Cashew. (B) The mahogany tree; also, its timber.". Source Oxford Dictionary.