What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?With a massive 341 entries, your best bet is 'whizgig' which scores 24 points in total.
What is the max number of words one can make using words where the 2nd letter is 'h' and 5th letter is 'g'?It's possible to create 341 words using this list.
How many letters are in the longest word from this page?The largest word found by veryceleb is 'phlegmaticalness'.
Which word on this page ranks as the most common?The most well-known word is 'thought', which happens to be the 161st most popular word in the dictionary.
What is an unusual word on this list of words where the 2nd letter is 'h' and 5th letter is 'g'?One of the most weird words from this page is 'theogonism'. 'Theogonism' is defined as "Theogony. [R.]", according to the dictionary.