How many characters does the longest word from this page consist of?'Skeptophylaxia' contains 14 characters, and is the biggest word possible to make from the combination specified.
How many acceptable words can you make using words where the second letter is 'k' and fourth letter is 'p'?There are up to a maximum of 65 entries using our list of words where the second letter is 'k' and fourth letter is 'p'.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?We advise using 'skipjack' for a score of 27 points.
What is an unusual word from this page?A good example of a strange word from this page is 'skippet'. The dictionary defines it as "1. A small boat; a skiff. [Obs.] A little skippet floating did appear. Spenser. 2. A small round box for keeping records. [Obs.]".
Which word on this page is the most popular?Our system reveals the most popular word in the dictionary where the second letter is 'k' and fourth letter is 'p' is 'skipper'.