Words that have 'l' as the second letter and 'h' as third letter

For this query, there are 10 results.

4 letter words

  • elhi

5 letter words

  • alhet

6 letter words

  • alhagi
  • alhena

7 letter words

  • alhenna

8 letter words

  • alhacena
  • alhambra
  • alhandal

10 letter words

  • alhambraic

12 letter words

  • alhambresque

What's the longest word you can make from this list?
'Alhambresque' is the longest word that we could construct. It is made up 12 characters.

What is a strange word from this list?
One example of a weird word from this page goes to 'alhenna'. The definition of 'alhenna' is as follows: "See Henna.".

What's the best score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words that have 'l' as the second letter and 'h' as third letter?
From this combination, it is possible to play 'alhambra' for a total of 15 points.

What is the total number of words one is able to make from this combination of letters?
There are up to 10 entries using our list of words where the second letter is 'l' and third letter is 'h'.