What's a weird word from the word combos available on this list?One of the most unusual words from this list is 'ulna'. The dictionary defines it as "1. (Anat.) The postaxial bone of the forearm, or branchium, corresponding to the fibula of the hind limb. See Radius. 2. (O. Eng. Law) An ell; also, a yard. Burrill.".
What's the longest word you can derive from the combination of letters searched for?Consider 'ulnometacarpal', which consists of 14 letters.
What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'l' is the second letter and 'n' is the third letter?You can make 'alnitham' scoring 13 points.
How many words can you make from this list?There are 37 fantastic words you can use for words where the second letter is 'l' and third letter is 'n'.