Words that have 'z' as the second letter and 'k' as fourth letter

Overall there are 4 words you're able to use from the dictionary for this search.

7 letter words

  • ezekiel
  • szekler

8 letter words

  • ozokerit

9 letter words

  • ozokerite

How many characters does the largest word on this list contain?
Consider 'ozokerite', which has 9 characters.

In Scrabble, what's the best score you can get using this list of words where 'z' is the 2nd letter and 'k' is the 4th letter?
The only option is 'ozokerit' which scores 21 points.

What's the total number of words you are able to construct from this list?
It's possible to derive 4 words using the combination you asked for.