What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words where 'i' is the 3rd letter and 's' is the 4th letter?Considering the diverse range of words to choose from, you should pick 'friszka' scoring 23 points.
What is the most common word where the 3rd letter is 'i' and 4th letter is 's'?The most well-known word is 'this', which is in fact the 29th most popular word in this list.
How many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?There are up to a maximum of 1,870 entries.
How many letters are in the longest word from this list?'Existentialistically'
Is there an example word from this page that could be deemed as unusual?One example of an unusual word from this page goes to 'apish'. The definition of 'apish' is as follows: "Having the qualities of an ape; prone to imitate in a servile manner. Hence: Apelike; fantastically silly; foppish; affected; trifling. The apish gallantry of a fantastic boy. Sir W. Scott.". Source Cambridge Dictionary.