In total, how many words are possible to make using the combination requested?You can pick from up to 3,858 words.
How many letters are in the largest word on this list?'Antidisestablishmentarianism'
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points possible using this list of words that have 't' as the third letter and 'i' as fourth letter?Considering the diverse range of words from which to select, we would advise choosing 'extispex' which scores 24 points.
What's a strange word from all the word combos available ?One of the most peculiar words from this list of words where the third letter is 't' and fourth letter is 'i' is 'petitionarily'. The dictionary defines it as "By way of begging the question; by an assumption. [R.] Sir T. Browne.".
What is the most common word where the third letter is 't' and fourth letter is 'i' in the dictionary?Our system reveals the most popular word in the dictionary where the third letter is 't' and fourth letter is 'i' is 'until'.