Words that have 'z' as the third letter and 'r' as fourth letter

Our records have found 7 terms.

6 letter words

  • hezron
  • mizrah

7 letter words

  • mizrach
  • mizraim

9 letter words

  • arzrunite

10 letter words

  • hezronites
  • jezreelite

What is the total number of words you can make using words where the third letter is 'z' and fourth letter is 'r'?
From this page of words where 'z' is the 3rd letter and 'r' is the 4th letter, veryceleb has discovered 7 entries that can be selected.

How many characters does the longest word from this page contain?
There are 10 characters in the word 'hezronites', which makes it the longest word on our list.

What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?
Our recommendation for a score of 23 points is the word 'mizrach'.