What is the most popular word where the second letter is 'v' and fifth letter is 'l' in the dictionary?A popular word for your request is 'available'.
What is the highest number of points you could get in Scrabble from this list of words where the 2nd letter is 'v' and 5th letter is 'l'?Given there are tons of words from which to select, we'd advise picking 'overlax' scoring 17 points overall.
What is an interesting word from all the word combinations possible ?You'll discover a number of peculiar words in this list, however our favorite is 'availability'. According to the dictionary, 'availability' means "1. The quality of being available; availableness. Note: The word is sometimes used derogatively in the sense of "mere availableness," or capability of success without regard to worthiness. He was . . . Nominated for his availability. Lowell. 2. That which is available.".
How many words are possible to make using the specified combination?It's possible to assemble 242 words with the specified combination.
How many letters does the longest word on this list contain?The longest word is 18 characters long, which is 'overlasciviousness'.